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    Smartphone Repair Service

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      guy with broken phone screen

      High Quality Repair Sevice

      We’ve all been there. One minute you’re scrolling through social media, the next your phone takes a tumble and your screen ends up looking like a spiderweb. A cracked phone screen can be a major inconvenience, hindering usability and potentially exposing your data. But don’t despair! The Tech Surgery is your trusted solution for fast, reliable phone repairs at affordable prices.

      Expert Techs, Speedy Fixes

      Our certified technicians diagnose and fix a wide range of phone problems - cracked screens, battery drain, water damage, and more - all with a focus on fast turnaround times.

      Free Diagnostics & Fair Prices

      Don't be in the dark! Get a free diagnostic assessment to identify the issue and receive a transparent quote upfront before any repairs begin. We offer competitive prices to keep your phone repair affordable.

      Cracked Screens?

      We've Got You. Is a shattered screen making your phone unusable? Our experts specialize in replacing cracked screens to restore clarity and functionality to your device.

      Genuine Parts, Lasting Warranty

      We prioritize quality and your peace of mind. Our repairs use only high-quality, genuine parts and are backed by a warranty to ensure a long-lasting fix.

      Walk-Ins Welcome, Online Booking Too!

      We offer flexible service options. Walk right in or schedule a repair appointment online at your convenience.

      More Than Just Screens

      We offer a comprehensive range of phone repairs, including battery replacements, water damage repair, charging port fixes, button and camera repairs, and software troubleshooting.



      Don’t let a cracked screen or a malfunctioning phone cause you stress. The Tech Surgery is your one-stop shop for getting your phone back to peak condition, fast. Our certified technicians have the expertise to diagnose and fix a wide range of issues, from shattered screens and dead batteries to water damage and software glitches. We prioritize both speed and affordability, offering same-day repairs for many common problems and upfront pricing with fast diagnostics. Plus, you can rest assured knowing our repairs use only high-quality parts and are backed by a warranty for lasting peace of mind. Whether you need a quick screen replacement or a comprehensive repair, The Tech Surgery is here to get your phone working like new again.


      Why Choose The Tech Surgery for Phone Repair?

      • Expert Technicians: Our certified technicians have the experience to fix a wide range of phone problems, including cracked screens, battery issues, water damage, and more.
      • Fast & Affordable Repairs: We understand the need to get your phone back in working order quickly. That’s why we offer same-day repairs for many common issues, all at competitive prices.
      • Free Diagnostics: Bring your phone in for a free diagnostic assessment to identify the problem and receive a transparent quote before any repairs begin.
      • Genuine Parts & Warranty: We use only high-quality, genuine parts for all repairs and back our work with a warranty for your peace of mind.
      • Convenient Service: Walk-in appointments are welcome, or schedule a repair online for your convenience.

      Common Phone Repair Services:

      • Cracked Screen Replacement
      • Battery Repair & Replacement
      • Water Damage Repair
      • Charging Port Repair & Cleaning
      • Button & Camera Repair
      • Software Updates & Troubleshooting

      Get Your Phone Back to Working Like New!

      Don’t let a cracked screen or other phone issue slow you down. The Tech Surgery is here to help. Contact us today or visit our shop for a free consultation.

      Broken Device? No device is too big or small. Contact us today!

      Verified by MonsterInsights